Maltby Academy aims to encourage and celebrate the success of all its students in all areas of Academy life, and to ensure that personal commitment and achievement is acknowledged, rewarded and recorded. We acknowledge the importance of praise and reward and seek to promote and reinforce our expectations of students at any given and relevant opportunity. Students receive credits through Class Charts which populates in our SIMS database and write reciprocally so reports can be generated. Students can use their credits to choose items from a rewards menu.
Rewards systems in our Academy link into:
- Upholding or demonstrating the core values such as Resilience, Aspiration, Responsibility, Confidence and Community.
- Attainment.
- Progress/attainment/Investment in Learning.
- Behaviour.
- Attendance and punctuality.
- Caring for others.
- Participation in extra-curricular and in class discussion.
- Uniform compliance.
- Positive attitude / enthusiasm.
- Respectful behaviour.
We will continue to consult with our students to seek advice on reward structures and, in particular, for their clarification as to what should be rewarded and how we can further develop / improve our rewards systems. A variety of methods of rewards exist at Maltby Academy which include:
- Verbal praise via the class teacher in lesson.
- House points.
- Praise Postcards sent home.
- Acknowledgement through weekly assemblies (form start of the week, student of the week).
- Positive phone calls home.
- Pastoral reward trips/events.
- Public display of high-quality work.
- Celebration and Recognition assemblies.
Recognition Rewards
Specifically the following:
- House Points awarded every lesson (up to 5).
- Department rewards – positive text messages, praise post cards, telephone calls, verbal praise.
- House Awards - Shouts Outs and Celebration and Recognition assemblies.
- Whole Academy and Pastoral Single Events - Trips and activities (cinema showings).
Whole Academy Rewards and Pastoral Single Events:
There are other opportunities to inform people of the successes that students have achieved throughout the year. These can take the form of the following
- Subject specific awards evenings/
- Celebration Assembly for Year 11 leavers prior to external exams/
- Year 11 Prom.
- Pastoral trips organised by SAL’s/SWM’s for students who have made significant progress in attitude and behaviour throughout the year.
- Local press publicity via Amy Blythe and social media outlets.
- Academy Newsletter (Stock Press).
- Letters home from Attendance Manager when attendance shows sustained improvement over a term.
- Praise in the Investment in Learning schedule and at Parents’ Evenings.
- Community awards.
- Leadership.
- DoE awards (in progress).
- Competitions – Young Enterprise, etc.
End of Term and Year Assemblies:
These include Shout Outs and celebration and recognition assemblies.
- Reward for individual 100% attendance.
- Trophy and reward for best House group attendance.
- Trophy and reward for best House sports event.
- Badges are awarded for consistent membership of a academy team, County team or higher, excellent team spirit and/or leadership of a team (PE department to organise).
- Badges are awarded for Performing Arts – performance, band membership, etc. (Performing Arts departments to organise).