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Anti Bullying

If you have any concerns regarding bullying and your child please in the first instance contact their appropriate Student Welfare Manager (SWM) who will address any concerns and work towards a positive resolution to any issues that may have occurred.

Should parent/carers/students feel that they have not had a satisfactory resolution, or they have further concerns, the
Academy-wide Anti-Bullying Coordinator and Governor is:

Mr Stafford / Mr Ducker - Vice Principal / Pastoral Team Manager
Mr A Hopkin - Safeguarding Governor (with Anti-Bullying Responsibilities)

Peer Mentoring Scheme & Anti-Bullying Ambassadors 

Whilst we have a fantastic team of adults for students to access, we also encourage peer support for struggles such as peer issues and bullying as students can better empathise with, and learn from one another when they are going through similar experiences. Our Peer Mentoring Scheme benefits both the mentor and mentee by developing communication skills, providing strategies for tackling issues as well as encouraging friendships with those of different ages.

Our aim is to raise awareness of bullying; so, we have this page which is full of advice and campaigns like Anti-Bullying Week events, and we now have Anti-Bullying ambassadors. These are students who are trained in spotting the signs of bullying, and act as points of contact for anyone requiring support. They are then able to alert the pastoral team of any concerns, so that they can be acted upon. In seeing these ambassadors show compassion and kindness to others, as well as an intolerance to bullying, we hope they will act as role models and other students are then more likely to admire this behaviour and incorporate it into their own interactions with their peers. 

Useful Links

Anti Bullying Alliance - Sources of information, advice and support.

Anti Bullying Alliance - Top Tips for Parent and Carers

Anti Bullying Alliance - Spotting the signs that my child is being bullied?

Anti Bullying Alliance - How can I help my child if they are being bullied?

Anti Bullying Alliance - I'm worried about cyberbullying

Anti Bullying Alliance - Online Relationship Guide

Anti Bullying Alliance - Information tool for parents and carers

Information for Parents and Carers on Bullying