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Year 9 Options

Key Stage 4 Options 2024

Recently, you have taken part in some decision-making exercises through Life Skills lessons, in your normal subject lessons and through the Year 9 Options Evening. You will have been given information about the subjects available for study as you start to focus your learning in Years 10 and 11. Do not worry if you feel that you cannot take this all in at once or if there is something you do not understand, you will have many opportunities to clarify anything you need to. There are lots of ways to make sense of all the information – by asking your teachers and tutors, by speaking to Miss Marshall or Mr Cooper and by reading the Options booklet, watching the subject videos, as well as talking it over with your family and friends.

When selecting your subjects, please bear in mind the following:

  • Choose subjects that you like or think you would enjoy. These will usually be the subjects in which you get the best results. 
  • There are no easy subjects! You may find them easy because you enjoy them and have a talent in that area but there are no easy options at KS4 and all will require hard work.
  • ·Make sure you are clear about what subject content will be covered on the course and how it will be assessed. This information can be found in this Options Booklet.
  • ·Do not choose a subject just because your friend has. Your interests and abilities will not necessarily be the same and there is no guarantee that you will be placed in the same class.
  • Do not choose a subject because of your like or dislike of a particular teacher. There is no certainty as to which teachers you will have in any year group for any subject.
  • Discuss your choices with your parents/carers, as well as your teachers, and if you have any questions/problems, seek advice in school or from the Options Booklet.
  • Once you have chosen a subject, you have made a commitment to follow the course over the next two years and you will not be able to change (except under the most exceptional circumstances).




Event Date
Start Website Launched - Start – Careers Information ( January 2024
Life Skills Lessons Introducing the Options Subjects January 2024
Options Presentation Evening Tuesday 23rd January 2024
Year 9 Parents' Evening Tuesday 30th January 2024
Options Form Submission Deadline Friday 1st March 2024
Options Confirmed Friday 19th April 2024


Further information can be found be clicking here.